Learning Opportunities in the Paseka School of Business

The Paseka School of Business provides an exciting and diverse selection of unique learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom. Students can enhance their learning experiences through scholarships, internships, involvement in student organizations, participation in regional and national conferences and competitions, student-faculty collaborative projects, community service projects, study abroad opportunities, hands-on research, field courses, and much more.

Experiential Learning

Experiential Learning is required of all Paseka School of Business students. It gives students real-world application to your academic coursework, with reflection and feedback to build your knowledge and skills. You must complete one experiential learning component to graduate. The following activities meet this graduation requirement.

You can test your business acumen in a variety of academic competitions offered each year. DECA Collegiate competition is open to all majors, while finance students can participate in the Credit Case Analysis or the FMA Finance Leaders' Conference.

MSUM students generally compete very well and often advance to these competitions' regional or national levels. Visit the Academic Competitions page.

The Dragon Investment Fund started as an investment club with donations from students, faculty and other interested individuals. Participating in Dragon Invest Fund will elevate your qualifications by giving you real world investment experience. You’ll learn a variety of investment strategies and results through actual investing. For more information visit the Dragon Investment Fund page.

Executive Mentorship is a 1-credit course offered each semester for juniors and seniors. You will be matched with a community executive to explore career choices, participate in networking opportunities and receive advice about transitioning from college to professional work. For more information and how to apply, visit the Executive Mentorship page.

If you are interested in doing research with a faculty member in the Paseka School of Business, please contact him or her directly. Research and/or publication fulfills the Experiential Learning requirement.

Internships are job openings with employers that acknowledge the benefit of putting your classroom learning to work in a business setting. Most of these opportunities are emailed to students in the related major; some are posted in Career Services. Internships vary from 1 to 12 credits. Visit the Internships page.

Service Learning may be something that you have already done as a community member. If you have a significant level (equivalent to the work you put into one of your courses) of participation in a service activity, see Jane Pettinger about this activity fulfilling your Experiential Learning requirement. Visit the Service Learning page.

If one of your classes involves solving a problem or creating programs or strategies for an organization in our regional business community, this work can fulfill your Experiential Learning requirement. Work with your instructor in the course to acknowledge your participation in the project.

This is MGMT 229 or ENTR 229 course and designed to provide you with hands-on experience and up-to-date information on how to start and set up your own business. It is co-taught by a team of experts and developed in cooperation with local business associations, the course will focus on the accounting, financial, legal, marketing and planning areas of setting up and running a start-up business. In this course you will learn:

  • Entrepreneurship Mindset
    • problem-solution fit
    • customer visit
    • prototyping
  • Preparing a Business Model
    • lean start-up canvas
  • Legal
    • choosing the form of business organization
    • preparing and filing documents
    • regulatory considerations
    • intellectual property protections
    • basic contracts
    • insurance
  • Accounting and Finance
    • basic accounting
    • income forecasting
    • grants and loans
    • business taxes
  • Marketing and Strategy
    • definition of marketing
    • goods and services
    • marketing plan: strategy and tactic
    • customer experience management - B2B, B2C, C2C
  • Online Marketing
    • basic online/digital marketing
    • social media marketing/platform
    • online marketing analytics
  • Business and Personal Ethics

Each Spring semester, MSUM hosts a Student Academic Conference. We strongly encourage students to present research or other academic findings at this conference. Work with a faculty member in your area of study to advise and assist you for this conference. Visit the Student Academic Conference page.

The Paseka School of Business offers exchange opportunities for students who would like to study abroad. Whether you study abroad for an entire semester or for a shorter trip, this will fulfill your experiential learning requirement.

  • Doing Business in Asia
    • The course is an experiential learning and fully immersive experience of the business and cultural environment in South Korea and Japan led by internationally-experienced faculty members from South Korea and Germany.
    • The main “doing business” components are visits to government entities, large and mid-sized companies in the manufacturing, retail, and software industries, as well as the Tokyo Stock Exchange, a financial institution, a global accounting firm, and a university. The business visits are with entities well-known to the faculty leads and are intended to give the participants a broad understanding of the business and ethical environment in Japan and South Korea.
  • Doing Business in Europe
    • What if it’s not “just business”? What if it’s about people, relationships, connections, culture, and how business and business practice weave its way into each of these aspects of life? Doing Business in Europe (Germany) will allow you to expand your business knowledge and perspective while meeting other adventurous people and exploring German and European culture in a fully immersive experience led by experienced faculty members.
    • Visit government entities, businesses, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, a financial institution, and a university. The trip also includes visits to historical sites and museums in Berlin, Heidelberg, and Munich, a cruise on the Rhine River, the Dachau concentration camp, and cities along the Romantic Road and the Neuschwanstein Castle.
  • China Business Trip
    • The China Business Trip is a three-credit class that gives students the opportunity to observe the business practices of Chinese domestic firms and international firms conducting business in China. Students do not need to speak Chinese or be a business major to join this trip.
      The one-month travel itinerary typically includes visits to Hong Kong, Chongqing, Guilin, Yangshou, Xi'an, Beijing and Shanghai, as well as excursions into small villages. Trip highlights include visits to the harbors and financial markets of Hong Kong and Shanghai, the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City and the Terra Cotta Soldiers, among others. Students travel by plane, train, automobile, bus, boat and bicycle.
      Throughout the journey, students compare and contrast business in China with business in the United States. By experiencing the rural-urban dichotomy, the co-existence of communism and capitalism and the effects of the current economic boom, students gain an awareness of the effect that China’s culture, history and political ideology have played in shaping China's role in the global economy. While visiting educational institutions and companies involved in global business, students interact with fellow students, business people and politicians to discuss issues related to global interdependence and public policy. Attending cultural events and visiting historical sites will raise consciousness of China’s long history and its place in the global arena.
  • Chongqing Technology and Business University
    • Chongqing Technology and Business University (CTBU) and MSU Moorhead have participated in an educational exchange program since 2007. This program, sponsored by the Paseka School of Business, allows students from CTBU to attend classes at MSU Moorhead, while MSUM students can attend classes at CTBU. Many courses at CTBU are taught in English, which is particularly helpful for students who are not fluent in Chinese.
      As part of the China Business Trip, which is a three-credit class that gives students the opportunity to observe differing business practices, students from MSU Moorhead spend two weeks on campus at CTBU, where they are enrolled in a cultural program with CTBU students and students from other countries. Visit Chongqing Technology and Business University for more information.
  • University of Portsmouth, England
    • Students in business, international business, and the social sciences with at least junior standing are eligible to spend one semester or one year studying at the University of Portsmouth, on England's southern coast. A one-for-one exchange means that students pay MSU Moorhead tuition and fees while earning up to 32 credits studying abroad.
      As part of this exchange, students take part in extensive travel in a European country or countries of their choice. This program is ideal for students who are interested in experiencing new cultures, able to study independently and who possess strong writing and English language skills. University of Portsmouth Exchange is a relatively inexpensive and accessible way to visit some fascinating cities on the European continent.
      Qualified students can apply for financial aid and scholarships. The increased cost of the program, which includes airfare, local transportation, room and board and personal allowances, will be taken into consideration when determining needs.

For more information on any of these study abroad opportunities visit the MSUM Study Abroad office.

Student Organizations

Student organizations help you to learn more about yourself and develop soft skills or "people skills" that are essential to your career preparation. Other benefits include professional and peer networking, leadership experience, and an enhanced academic experience. Get ready for your future by getting involved.